We Love Our Community Partners
We are so thankful for the generous and loyal hearts of our community members – we wanted to highlight some of the great things that our community partners are doing for CCK.
Therma-Tru Doors
The employees of Therma-Tru Doors have been raising funds for CCK all year long and we were able to celebrate with the Therma-Tru family, along with more of our CCK families, at their annual company picnic this August.

Kentucky Colonels Good Works Program
A BIG thanks to the Kentucky Colonels Good Works Program for providing the needed funding for the installation of automatic door openers for buildings across CCK’s campus. Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest impacts!
Bluegrass 37th Annual Golf Classic
The CCK staff volunteered at the Children’s Charity of the Bluegrass 37th Annual Golf Classic. Over $370,000 were raised to support 38 agencies; providing support for 10,000 very special children in Kentucky.

Cardinal Health
The employees of Cardinal Health have shown our CCK campers some major love by dropping off a CAR FULL of medical supplies AND donations raised by their caring and generous employees. They’ve been a loyal supporter of our Courageous Kids for five years and have helped us inspire, empower, and enhance the lives of so many children and families we’ve had the privilege of serving.

CCK Wins $5,000!
This summer, The Center for Courageous Kids participated in the Freeland Cares Facebook Contest. In 2017, Freeland Cares and Freeland Chevy Superstore are hosting monthly Facebook Contents for Giving Matters Charities – giving each charity a chance to win $5,000 – all based on the number of Facebook votes from the charity fan base. In July, The Center for Courageous Kids WON! Thank you to the Freeland Care program and Freeland Chevy for helping CCK send more deserving children to camp!

A group of 32 Y-Corps volunteers graciously made The Center for Courageous Kids a stop during their week of traveling around the state to serve. We are so grateful for their enthusiasm, apparent dedication to service, and willingness to face all weather conditions to ensure that the each service project was complete! Thank you so much, Y-Corps! We hope to see you again next year!

BlueCotton BG, Cabela’s and Van Meter Insurance Group
Dedicated partners such as BlueCotton BG, Cabela’s and Van Meter Insurance Group have not only financially contributed to our mission, but truly embrace the act of servitude and have dedicated their time to making a true investment in our courageous campers. Staff members of these corporations came out this summer to fish, side-walk and lead horses, set tables, and even fold and sort laundry. We couldn’t do what we do without the support and service of our community.

Chaney’s Dairy Barn
A big CCK thank you to Chaney’s Dairy Barn for donating ice cream and Steamer Seafood Bowling Green for bringing the S.S. Dinghy to serve up some amazing dishes for our CCK Counselors!

Jennings Perry Schmitt Financial Group
The Jennings Perry and Schmitt team came out to CCK this summer to participate in our weekly carnival. It was a blast for everyone!

ARGI Financial Group
ARGI Financial Group brought a tremendous amount of enthusiasm while working diligently to assist our staff with laundry services this summer! We are so grateful for these individuals who were willing to donate their time. From the bottom of our hearts, we cannot thank you enough!

WKU FOOTBALL PLAYERS GOT MESSY– ALL TO BENEFIT KIDS! This summer WKU football players and administrative staff traveled to CCK to team up with CCK Campers as they participated in a different type of game….a MESSY GAME!