Medical Volunteer Service Agreement

Please read the following documents before your volunteer participation with The Center for Courageous Kids. Once you have read each document, please sign below and submit. Contact the Camp Nurse or Camp Physician if you have any questions. Thanks!

Job Title: Volunteer Healthcare Staff
Department: Health Center
Reports to: CCK Medical Staff (Camp Physician, Camp Nurse, Lodge Care Providers)
Position Summery: Will provide direct patient care and services to children during camp experience.

Duties & Responsibilities: 

  • Assure optimal quality of care is provided in a safe environment.
  • Work effectively as a team member under the direction of CCK Healthcare Team.
  • Protect human and civil rights of patients and/or clients and staff.
  • Report suspect findings to CCK Healthcare Team.
  • Complete documentation in an organized and timely manner.
  • Engage with campers throughout daily program activities.
  • Assist with camper ADL’s as needed and directed by CCK Healthcare Team.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by CCK Healthcare Team.
  • Notify CCK Healthcare Team prior to contacting parents by phone.


  • Must be licensed to practice their professional trade in Kentucky or be from a nursing compact state OR be under
    the supervision of a licensed healthcare provider.
  • Must submit all medical forms and information prior to attending camp session.
  • Must have knowledge of illness conditions being served.
  • Must have the ability and expertise to work with children.
  • Strong interpersonal and communications skills.
  • Excellent organizational, time management and analytical skills.
  • High personal integrity and sound personal and professional ethics.
  • Considerable knowledge of healthcare principles and practices.

Equipment Used: i.e. Hoyer lifts, power wheelchair and other medical devices.

Living Arrangements: Housing provided on camp. Shares room with fellow medical volunteers.

Volunteer/Staff Dress Code

The Center for Courageous Kids strives to ensure that employees’ clothing is dignified, modest and reflect the appropriate balance of camp appropriate dress with professional dress. These guidelines are in effect at all times on camp grounds. It is expected that all staff/volunteers will make choices in dress that will appropriately convey them as role models. The following guidelines are in place for clothing selection.

  • All staff members/volunteers must wear shirts at all times. Exceptions will be made when swimming.
  • When in outdoor and active program areas all staff members/volunteers are expected to wear shoes or sandals with a heel strap. The barn and fun and games require sneakers (this is our Wear Your Shoes policy). Only at the lodges and at the pool, staff is welcome to wear flip flops.
  • Socks will be needed for anyone participating in bowling. You’ll thank us later!
  • All shorts and skirts must be at least an arm’s length (If you can drop your arms down to your sides and touch
    your skin, the garment is too short).
  • Spaghetti strap tank tops or white undershirt tank tops are prohibited. Low cut tops are prohibited at all times.
  • No undergarments should be visible at any time.
  • Shirts should be long enough to cover the mid-section at all times. Shirts with messages that glorify sex, drugs, alcohol or violence are prohibited. Concert shirts are acceptable if they do not include the previous mentioned messages.
  • Two-piece bathing suits and Speedos are not acceptable.
  • Shirt and short dress code policy apply to pajamas.
  • Thematic costumes are always acceptable!

Volunteer Service Agreement

Policies & Procedures: Volunteer agrees to comply with all items contained in his or her job description, to fulfill any additional responsibilities required by CCK Medical Staff or Camp Director, and abide by all Camp rules, regulations, policies and procedures.

Termination: Volunteer’s service with The Camp is “at will” and may be terminated at the discretion of The Camp.
Without limiting the foregoing, the following shall constitute grounds for immediate termination by The Camp:

  1. If the volunteer is absent from The Camp without the permission of CCK Medical Staff or without justification as determined by CCK Medical Staff.
  2. If the volunteer’s services, conduct or influence is/are deemed to be unsatisfactory or detrimental to the best interest of The Camp or:
  3. If the volunteer fails to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement or policies or procedures delivered to the volunteer during his/her term of service.

Photo Release: The volunteer does hereby release and grant The Camp perpetual and unrestricted rights in and to the volunteer’s pictures and voice contributions employed in the creation of printed media, photographs, sound tapes and motion picture films while at The Camp premises or otherwise. The rights and contributions granted herein are more particularly described as follows:

  1. To use name, photograph, acts, poses, plays and appearances made in connection with said production in any manner; to record, amplify and simulate the voice of the volunteer and to reproduce, distribute, publish, exhibit and transmit the same by a mechanical and electrical means for any purpose whatsoever.
  2. To “double” or “dub” the voices, acts, poses and appearances to such an extent as may be desired by The Camp.
  3. To use name, photograph and experiences pertaining to funded agencies in materials produced by The Camp for promoting The Camp.

Volunteer Injury: If the Camp deems it is in the best interest of the volunteer to use outside medical assistance or have the volunteer hospitalized, volunteer hereby agrees that The Camp shall bear no liability for the medical care provided or the cost thereof. Further, the camp is not responsible for injury or illness incurred while off Camp during free time and session breaks.

Indemnification of The Camp: The volunteer hereby agrees to assume full responsibility for any goods and/or merchandise brought by the volunteer to The Camp and further agrees that The Camp will not be held financially liable for the loss or damage to any such goods and/or merchandise whether through theft, fire, laundry, accident, vandalism, etc. Further, the volunteer hereby agrees to assume full responsibility for any damages or destruction of property incurred by the volunteer due to intentional misuse or abuse of any of The Camp’s equipment/facilities. Said responsibilities shall include reimbursing The Camp for repairing or replacing equipment and/or facilities. In the event the volunteer becomes indebted to The Camp, The Camp is authorized to pursue any and all legal means to recover the remaining amounts owed.

Confidentiality: The volunteer will not release, divulge, discuss or otherwise use information gained from any source, written or verbal, about a camper’s records and charts except as required in the work assignment.

Leaving The Camp During Session: During the camp session, the volunteer may not leave The Camp without the expressed permission of CCK Medical Staff. If the volunteer is absent from The Camp without the permission of CCK Medical Staff or without justification as determined by CCK Medical Staff the volunteer will be terminated.

Additional Terms: In addition to The Camp’s policies and procedures for which the volunteer is made aware, additional terms and conditions of the volunteer’s service may be attached as an exhibit hereto, and if attached hereto, it is incorporated herein by reference.

  • I have read and I understand the documents presented by The Center for Courageous Kids and hereby accept the conditions stated in the following agreements.